Smartphones and TV have irreversibly changed society; neither has come close to what liturgy does. Nick Alexander

Smartphones and TV have irreversibly changed society; neither has come close to what liturgy does.

Why liturgy is the greatest mass media Smartphones and TV have irreversibly changed society; neither has come close to what liturgy does. do you think? Share in the comments below.[Originally... Read More

I could not agree with this article more. If my diocese wishes to enact a revival, they need to implement some of these suggestions.

Catholic parish dos and don’ts from millennials I could not agree with this article more. If my diocese wishes to enact a revival, they need to implement some of these suggestions. Read More

[Outside The Box]How Would You Improve the Catholic Church? [Survey]

Original Post Ryan Dixon, a Catholic, is collecting 500-word essays as to how to improve the Church. He says you don’t even have to be Catholic to answer the survey. The survey would then be collated into a blog and book form. If this interests... Read More

“[I]n this day and age, if you’re not able to self-motivate in the spiritual life and you don’t find yourself spiritually fed by your parish priest, there are tons of resources out there to fill up the gap.” “[I]n this day and age, if you’re not able to self-motivate in the spiritual life and you don’t find yourself spiritually fed by your parish priest, there are tons of resources out there to fill up the gap.” Read More

Being active in the effort to support Catholic evangelization, sometimes a little clarity is needed.

Pope: Evangelize 1st by Example! Not “Don’t Convert Others” Being active in the effort to support Catholic evangelization, sometimes a little clarity is needed. Read More

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