My Catholic Testimony Nick Alexander

My Catholic Testimony

Anybody want to read my Catholic testimony?

It’s been about a year since I last shared anything here.  Like all things during this pandemic, I feel like I’ve been in suspended automation; no opportunities to perform, no interest in crafting new parody songs, no creation of videos.  I didn’t even care about creating songs ABOUT the pandemic, as the humor was lost on me.

And yet, throughout these many months, I got a surprise invite to write my testimony, as to the journey I had undergone to become a Catholic.

I’ve told this story before, but from a website as prominent as The Coming Home Network (which broadcasts The Journey Home each week on EWTN), they had a number of stipulations that I had to go through.  And part of that was to have some elements of apologetic nature, to explain how I came around to the Catholic way of thinking on a few select doctrinal issues.

This was also the first time in many years since I had shared my testimony, so much so that my own children are currently the age I was when I was first undergoing such milestone experiences that led to my conversion.  I know I must have driven my parents crazy, but now I’m able to see it from a parents’ perspective, and it helped me garner sympathy for what they must have gone through, even though we are still very different.

Nonetheless, this was a very difficult writing assignment.  It took me about six months, actually.  But thankfully, I was able to hand them a draft, which they most likely spiffed up.

My Catholic Testimony

I honestly don’t know why they chose this picture to accompany my Catholic testimony.

If you have any interest why an overly zealous High School Bible Study president and partaker in all things in the New York City Evangelical culture would want to convert to Catholicism, the testimony is now available for reading.  Enjoy.

And if you like the testimony, perhaps you can bring me in to share it to your parish or youth group.  Or maybe some of my parody songs, which many were birthed from my experiences of my Catholic testimony, would be a help to you.

And now… on to the verbiage…

God’s grace guides us all. He doesn’t push people to do anything, but rather uses elements in that person’s own world and circumstance to open and close doors, providing guidance and wisdom.

I came to know Christ personally in 1984, when I was 14 years old. I had attended a summer youth retreat in New England, where I became convinced of the reality of the existence of a personal God. Afterwards, I returned home to an apartment in New York City, with a new reality before me, a newfound zeal.

My parents didn’t know how to relate to this…. To be Continued…

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