Favorite Links of Week (8-23-2014) Nick Alexander

Favorite Links of Week (8-23-2014)

medium_chain_links_by_akenator-d4l3hmfI am extremely curious as to whether this changes anything or not. (Note: it doesn’t).

REPORT: Key witness Dorian Johnson now admits that Michael Brown ATTACKED Officer Wilson

“the proposed regulations would effectively reduce, rather than expand, the scope of religious freedom.” #HHS

“Most of the world you cannot speak your mind. Nor is there due process. We, here, live pretty good.” #JamesFoleyRIP

“With extensive experience as a parish priest, #PopePiusX had keen insight into how to reach people w/the Gospel.”

Those who are interested in liturgical music ought to tell me what they think of this article.

Student sneezes. Girl says, “Bless you!” Girl suspended.

What does the MSM do when the star witness of a nationally recognized crime turns out to have a record of falsehoods?

Someone said,”it’s better to be neutral (as there is controversy re:the tragedy).” But w/sorrow you can’t be neutral.

Before any international trip Pope Francis visits Benedict XVI. Pope Francis is carrying forward Benedict’s vision.

“God creates man, man sins against God, God sends his only Son into the world to bring man back to Him.”

The battle against podcasting isn’t over yet. But we have a minor victory here.

Mark Cuban’s The 6 Things You Need to Know to be Great in Business. I contend it also applies to youth ministry.

“That’s right Al, you lost. And here’s what you didn’t win…” RIP Don Pardo.

Courtesy of the New York Post, a story to make you cry. #HappyTears. #ProLife

You don’t know what happened to Michael Brown, so stop pretending that you do

Stern warning from Archbishop of Mosul:”you will become the victims of the enemy you have welcomed in your home.”

Feminist Professor Sentenced to 3-Year Probation for Assaulting Pro-Life Teen #WarOnProLifeWomen

Apparently, when Democrats break the law or do embarrassing things, it just isn’t newsworthy.

Last year I did Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary; will definitely do again. It was such a wonderful year

“What’s the difference between a political scandal involving a Republican and one involving a Democrat?”

Hey Catholics: God desires to be in a personal relationship with each one of us, and speak to us as friends!

37 Signs You Were a Youth Group Kid |

“There are those who hate Christianity and call their hatred an all-embracing love for all religions.”

TIL the pope has a social media expert. Here’s what he has to say.

11 Useful, Genius Math Tricks That Are Actually Easy

Learn from the ancient fathers as to how to spur Christian revival. It’s easier, and harder, than you think.

“If someone comes to Christ through my terrible sermon, I praise God for his grace and mourn the terrible sermon.”

After a week, we finally get the officer’s side of events. #NotSoClearCutAnymore #Ferguson.

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