Links! (8-9-14) Nick Alexander

Links! (8-9-14)

medium_chain_links_by_akenator-d4l3hmfI don’t like drawing any more attention to stuff like this than I have to. With that said, prayers, please.

I can’t help but marvel how Gary Sinise has carried the lessons learned from “Lt. Dan” with him for 20 years now.

And so it begins. Again.#Iraq #ISIS

Somehow, most people have been fooled into thinking contraception = healthcare. Do they not know about its dangers?

I agree wholeheartedly with this writer that canticanova is a great site for liturgical prep.

For those who are curious, a third approach to our economic travails: Distributism.

So the NYPD kills a beloved man thru a chokehold. Now they’ve arrested the wife of the person who filmed it. #Wha?

Fr. Weber has crafted an extraordinary hymnal including a great many easy, traditional, beautiful works. #IHaveMyCopy

I’ve never read Emerson’s “Self-Reliance.” This looks like a great introductory summary.

For one bad parent, everything is NOT awesome.

I reviewed Boyhood. I also tell you how to experience the cinematic miracle of “Boyhood” without leaving your home.

Pray for Hawaii. This is crazy.

New Idea for a Direct-To-Video Low Budget Horror movie. “Based on true events.”

It’s amazing to me how prophetic Humanae Vitae has proven to be, over all these years.

This blogger posts some reasons why we should use hymnals… but this list is more why we should sing hymns (on Ppt).

Seven tips for Catholic college students, getting Ready for Campus Life

Print out this article when you want to keep a record of your sins, and then take it to confession.

“I dream the Church’s customs can be channeled for reaching today’s world rather than for her self-preservation.”

The immigration crisis, from the perspective of those who fight human trafficking.

This writer watched all 45 films in the Vatican Film List and lived to tell about it.

“Men, wake up! Scripture is the actual Word of God, spoken for all. But spoken explicitly for you.”

Marriage’s indissolubility does not depend on human sentiments–permanent or transitory. God himself intends it.

Today’s Tip of the Day brought to you by… Gross-Out Airlines.

Ghostbusters at 30: The first modern comedy?

If you have Netflix streaming and don’t know what to watch, print this list.

Pundits (Republican and Democrat) need to stop leaning on race, using it as a club. It’s a distraction.

7 Life-Changing Habits That Will Bring You Success

Let me get this straight: they couldn’t put the roller coaster car in neutral, and give it a push? #IWouldRideThat

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