Links I Like (Week of  Nov 19, 2014) Nick Alexander

Links I Like (Week of Nov 19, 2014)

medium_chain_links_by_akenator-d4l3hmfThis is a must-read: Someone who works with both Catholicism and Evangelicalism shares his thoughts on the two.

An insightful article about scientific approaches to proving the existence of God, and how some can be faulty.

Befriend a priest. Take him out to dinner. But don’t ever say these thirteen things.

Catholicism is alive and well on the college campus. Here’s how it can be for you.

Congratulations to Philadelphia.

“As a friend of mine once said of Madonna: Under all that voluptuous flesh is the soul of an accountant.”

The Marriage Debate, in doodle-form.

When we go to Mass, we’re not going as an audience to be entertained. *We’re* the performers and God is the audience.

If you are addicted to p0rn, there is hope. You can break free from this slavery.

Being “authentic” is what attracts people to the Gospel. Here’s a little primer.

Destroying the narrative that Cardinal Burke’s demotion has some nefarious undertones. @Pontifex

Stay or go, but the teachings will not change. #Eucharist #Catholicism #HotPotatoes

Pope Francis demonstrating that it’s not necessarily what we say, but how we act, that attracts believers.

For fans of “Weird Al” Yankovic’s UHF, I present… its oral history. #YoureWelcome

Jesuit Astronomer Wins Carl Sagan Science Prize. Carl Sagan unavailable for comment.

To Catholic youth ministers: I found another article that’s even better than what I linked to earlier. #MustReadNow

Bill Murray–can he do no wrong? Here he is, dispensing self-help advice.

Summary of Gen Y’s attitudes on Catholicism’s dogmas: “The Pope is entitled to his opinion.”

Five Things That will happen if community singing becomes seen as a spiritual discipline.

Spiritual Reading – Don’t Shun the Classics – IgnitumToday : IgnitumToday

My high school Bible Study, was both before and after school; I was fine. I don’t think this lawsuit has a prayer.

Exorcisms are on the rise. Priests blame Youth Dabbling in Occult. #WhenImSpiritualButNotReligiousIsABadThing

Abby Johnson nails it: these questions have been the most annoying for Catholic converts like me.

A Christian who receives the gift of faith in baptism but doesn’t use it to serve, is without strength – Pope Francis

Okay youth ministers… what you have here is the most important article you will read today.

This article on memorization can be applied to remembering Scripture passages, and the Ten Commandments.

Let us pray for the conversion of their hearts and offer a prayer that they may find peace. #AntiCatholic

This book is a most engaging plea to look beyond the culture wars and explore the fullness of love found in Christ.

Legislators: this is your doing. Colorado high school on partial lockdown due to… marijuana smoke.

Amen. Don’t treat the youth like children; give them a challenge they are hungering for.

An Evangelical Anglican attends the Synod of the Family. These are his thoughts.

How to Perfectly Know the Existence of God. This is a big deal.

St John Paul II wrote to families in the landmark Familiaris Consortio. It’s time we reintroduce ourselves to it.

I’ve not heard these talks (in regards to being a Catholic artist today), but they look intriguing.

Declaring Pope Francis to be an Evangelical-Charismatic-Catholic, makes perfect sense to me.

Science. Religious Belief. Compatible and Complementary. (There, I said it).

Even if you are not conservative, this is a fantastic interview. To evangelize, we have got to embrace pop culture.

“If we really believe in the Holy Spirit, we can learn so much from one another!” Pope Francis to Evangelicals.

A Contemporary Worship Leader Discovers Hymns, Begins Retreat Away from Modern Praise And Worship Music #WeNeedBoth

If you were given an approach to memorize our faith, what would you prefer better: an app, or a series of videos?

13 Ways to Love Your Neighbor in a Socially-Isolated and Technologically-Overloaded Culture

“The neglect of single people is a problem that needs a more systematic answer directed by our pastors.”

All those years ago, my high school youth group had this U2/King-David hybrid in heavy rotation.

“Congratulations, sir. Not only did you pass the mandatory drug test, but you are also pregnant.”

Pope Francis has frustrated many who have followed Pope Benedict XVI and St John Paul II. Here’s how to understand him

Begone, Catholic wimpdom. Time to rise up and aspire to be the fullness to which you were called.

A Protestant journalist envies those of faith traditions that honor Saints.

Amazing article: apparently there are testimonials of Saints who have received visits from souls in #purgatory.

Twelve steps to challenge men to live for Christ fully, today.

Millennials have been burnt by the Church. But they’ve also heralded Pope Francis as their favorite trending topic.

Bad News: 10 Worst College Degrees to Earn in 2015; Good News: you can pursue those dreams without a college degree.

“My sole purpose of going to school was bettering my life for me and my son. But now I wish I had never gone.”

Looks like Christians in the West can learn a thing or two… from the Chinese.

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