Links I Like (Week of  Oct 18, 2014) Nick Alexander

Links I Like (Week of Oct 18, 2014)

medium_chain_links_by_akenator-d4l3hmfThe “Warm Welcome” I’ve Received From Catholics

Message of the Synod Assembly on the pastoral challenges to the family in the context of evangelisation

Rediscover that One Gift God wants to give you. |

If “white privilege” really exists, would one really want John Stewart to be the guy that exposes it? #PotMeetKettle

Don’t fear what’s going on in the Church. Strive for Clarity, Charity and Hilarity.

Conversion is a life-long process; have you considered praying for conversion for the following 5 areas?

It is a modern-day fallacy to say that religion and science cannot mix. Here’s evidence.

The empty tomb. No critic of Christianity has ever come up with a proper rebuttal.

What if the *97%* consensus on man-made global warming, was a little bit off? (and by “little bit” I mean by 96.7%?)

Go to mass; here are four resulting actions in doing so.

Cardinal Pell: ‘No Abandonment Of Catholic Doctrine’ At Synod | #Encouraging

‘Birdman’ Director sabotaging effort to get people to see his movies. #AdvertisingNightmare

Is the media’s approach towards the Catholic Church distorted? #DoIReallyHaftaAsk

Interesting thoughts about the current Worship Phenomenon |

I am guilty of mistranslating Italian all the time. | How an incorrect translation of the synod report created chaos.

I think hunger charities are way needed, but this #SNL sketch is a funny needling on its business practices. #likedit

Worried About #Synod14 ? Here Are Ten Things to Remember

Lone Star is my favorite movie of the 1990s. Elizabeth Pena’s passing is heartbreaking. #RIP

She was lucky. But the bigger story is that the expensive OnStar service failed, where the FindMyiPhone app didn’t.

Houston mayor backs off sermon subpoena after public outcry. As well she should. But the damage is done.

Whatever your politics, you can’t tell me that football scandals trump the scandals with President Obama.

Copywriting 101, via The New Yorker.

Did no one know that when the MSM got hold of the ‘Relatio’, people were going to go bananas?

We should pray that John Henry Newman will be declared a saint and Doctor of the Church

Houston, we have a problem. A much bigger one. Your mayor is infringing upon religious freedom.

Bill Murray profile that was interesting. (Don’t Saint him yet, tho).

The BEST article yet about the Law of Gradualness #Synod14

Mark Shea’s hilarious assessment of reactions to yesterday’s “Earthquake.” #Synod14

TIME Religion Reporter to Media: Stop the Hype on Church #Synod14 Report

Some broad strokes, but… yeah. ‘Saturday Night Live’ No Longer Matters. Here are five reasons.

Relax. This is the the Church making up its mind about stuff. It won’t last forever. Trust God. Be at peace.

Jon Stewart slams Democrats in regards to their love of fundraising. #BrokenClock #TwiceADay

The Great Catholic Cave-In that Wasn’t | #Synod14

Cary Elwes: Pope John Paul II had thought Princess Bride was funny. #Awesomeness

An apologia that shouldn’t have had to be written, but was, because defense of bad Christian filmaking doesn’t work.

Christian moviemakers take note: This, here is the Ten Commandments of screenwriting, courtesy of Billy Wilder.

Could it be that #SNL is now irrelevant for the YouTube generation? Or could it be that their politics is at fault?

Study: Only 8% of mass public shootings occurred in places where citizens could have guns for self defense.

“We’re kinda really ugly if we look really hard. We’re not as wonderful as we think we are. It’s a shock” #BillMurray

A secular comic screenwriter shares two questions every joke-writer must ask. Then ropes in Mother Teresa for a joke.

I love it that the secular media is gaga over @Pontifex. But let’s be clear: he’s not into what they think he’s into.

A welcome shock: TV Journalist Leaves Behind 25-Year Career For Religious Life.

Catholics and non-Catholics best brush up on their knowledge of the Shroud of Turin. It’s a powerful apologetic ally.

If laws don’t lead people to Jesus, they are obsolete, pope says

The Family #synod has made headlines. If what you’re reading concerns you, read this accurate assessment.

More thoughts on #Synod14 by Elizabeth Scalia. In short, take a deep breath, and discover what Gradualism can entail.

Commentary that touches upon #Synod14 from a chaste gay Catholic woman.

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