My Favorite Links (Week of Sept 13 2014) Nick Alexander

My Favorite Links (Week of Sept 13 2014)

medium_chain_links_by_akenator-d4l3hmfInsightful blog post about the intersection of Christianity and Pop Culture

How Stephen King Teaches Writing

Almost the same thing. Woman Marries Cardboard Cutout Of Robert Pattinson

This happens to be my sisters alma mater. Nicki Minaj Gets Rejected as Speaker at Her Old High School

But… But… Harry Potter isn’t SUPPOSED to have any positives. (I mean, that’s what some pastors tell me.)

While not ideal, it may be an approach to evangelization and young adult ministry, whose time has come. #FOCUS

I’ve noticed this. As a parent, it’s a good idea. Barnes & Noble Now Taking On Toy Stores.

Love him or hate him, I greatly admire #Trump’s chutzpah.

Mr. President, lay your hands off these selfless religious sisters.

Am I the only one who has a fond affection for the over-the-top campiness of Moonraker? RIP Richard Kiel.

A powerful essay about Sept 11.

A list of five jobs where a human is expected to be replaced by a robot. Does this affect you?

This morning, someone asked me where to find directions for dancing the RCIA. Why, it’s there in my free lyrics book!

This is not a good decision for Netflix streaming. At all.

More on Msgr Robert Oliver, who was just promoted by the Vatican for the Protection of Children: ‘A Gospel Priority’

The B Movie Catechism’s tribute to the late Richard “Jaws”,”Eegah” Kiel dies not disappoint. @eegahinc

Interesting portfolio of Bill Cosby, one of today’s most landmark comedians.

Congrats to Brotherhood of Hope member, Fr. Robert Oliver for the promotion. Keep fighting the good fight.

When Debora Young of #Ferguson called the police to report that her car was stolen, ‘they came and locked me up.’

When you set sad lyrics against happy music, the music wins. Bring back better hymns for Lent.

5 Million Gmail Passwords Leaked, Change Yours Now

I knew of two of these. 11 Ridiculous Mistakes That Will Ruin Your Favorite Movies

Today is the feast of St. Peter Claver, Jesuit minister to slaves. May he pray for our country.

Joel Osteen’s very best tweets. As read by the Christian martyrs. #watchtilltheend

Leave it to Mel Brooks to add a second pinky to his Chinese theater hand-prints.

Interesting history about the racial divide behind #Ferguson. They just found the wrong incident to rally behind.

Not an android user… but, ouch.

What simplicity looks like in a disciple of Christ:

I still can’t understand why folks declare artificial birth control as healthcare. Like asbestos? Tobacco? #NFP

@Pontifex is reaching out to Pentecostals and Evangelicals ahead of those in mainline Protestant traditions.

“…most jobs in today’s economy don’t require a college degree.” – Washington Post.

On the plus side, climate experts do have government funding. #SoThere’sThat.

I finished reading Baum’s “Wonderful Wizard of Oz” over the weekend. The 1939 movie ruined all franchise attempts.

Everybody should know how to play an instrument. And now you have no excuse not to.

Church serves ‘women the rest of the world has left behind’

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