My Favorite Links (Week of Sept 27 2014) Nick Alexander

My Favorite Links (Week of Sept 27 2014)

medium_chain_links_by_akenator-d4l3hmf045: The Lord Is My Shepherd | Prayer Meeting Podcast

Trust that the God who made our imaginations delights in our use of them, + not fear them. #ChristianArt #HarryPotter

“The authors [of this secular academic study] found that cohabitation was linked to lower marital quality.”

A plea to make the annulment process better, plus practicals. #HeresHopingTheyreListening

19 breathtaking photos of extremely stupid people.

Simply put, there will be no #NewEvangelization without a “New Emangelization”.

A powerful argument for small group discipleship ministry, in place of stadium-sized events.

I wonder what this means for the kidnapped girls. Breaking: Nigeria military claims #BokoHaram leader dead.

Review: Ragamuffin (2014) | Nick Alexander

4 Ways in which Music Improves State of Mind and Performance At Work

Five Ways to Escape from Apathy-ville.

Should the Catholic Church be modernized? Fr. Longnecker gives a great answer to those who are frustrated.

Four Ways Evangelism Undermines Evangelism

In our science-saturated and materialistic world, we often forget that mystical prayer exists. Here’s a primer.

5 Reasons Millennials Stay Connected to Church – Barna Group

Most sitcoms today ultimately fail because they’ve lost touch with the public.

Jaw. Drop. Attorney General Eric Holder to Resign.

We must continually, diligently pray for these 300 kidnapped schoolgirls, and that evil will be thwarted. #BokoHaram

“To Tell Them” is one of the late #RichMullins ‘ greatest (forgotten) original songs.

If an atheist praises a Christian movie, did the movie do its job?

Most know Alec Guinness from Star Wars. Guess what: he’s a Catholic convert.

The Laugh Workout. Ha Ha Ha Ha ! Ha! Ha ! Ha! LOL! ROTL! Seriously… 10 Serious Health Benefits of Laughter

A pastor’s attempt to understand the complexities involved with #CCM (Christian Contemporary Music).

I’m no fan of #ShawshankRedemption (nobody follows it up w/a Rita Hayworth movie) but this is a good article.

Can A Book Or Movie Change The World? (He means, besides Star Wars).

Polls dictate that religion is losing influence, and that President Obama is unfriendly towards its adherents.

Jeff Miller nails it: There is no such thing as a golden age of faith, as every single era has its pros and cons.

Critical against #AllAboutThatBass by Meghan Trainor:”This isn’t the female empowerment anthem you’re looking for.”

Well, lookie here. An NPR profile of #CharismaticCatholicism within Hispanic culture.

This so reminds me of that SNL sketch: It’s a car wax! It’s a dessert topping! Wax! Topping! (Announcer:”it’s BOTH”).

From a humorist’s perspective, why Jon Stewart’s “climate change” segment fell flat.

Hollywood’s relentless focus on superhero blockbusters threatens its survival.

This here is a wave of new, fantastic, evangelistic resources for the stubborn #Catholic teenager. #youthministry

Before you dispute Catholic Social Teaching, understand where it comes from. Here’s a readable, detailed synopsis.

One Catholic’s approach to building a strong family prayer life (in seven steps).

Fathers, be aware of your calling.

All those climate models that have been predicting massive climate dislocation, have been thrown into doubt.

What happened in Oklahoma City over the weekend.

10 Years Ago, I watched the first ten minutes of #LOST, turned it off. (I gave it a try two years later, loved it).

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