Links!! (Week of Sept 6, 2014) Nick Alexander

Links!! (Week of Sept 6, 2014)

medium_chain_links_by_akenator-d4l3hmfGene Simmons: ‘Rock Is Finally Dead’

Hollywood’s Horrid Summer: Why the Box Office Has Been Worse Than It Looks (and Won’t Get Better Soon)

Traditional Hymns For Youth Groups by Nick Alexander

I sure hope they get this figured out.

For once, a flight was diverted for a GOOD reason. #NotAboutSeatBackScuffles

Some put money up as the most important thing to have. Here are nine examples proving why such thinking is wrong.

Currently, the Bishop of Peoria is implying that efforts to canonize Bishop Sheen are blocked by Cardinal Dolan.

St. Gregory the Great: Music Composer to Star Wars, Lion King and The Exorcist.

“The Church is mother because she cares for her children and guides us on the path of salvation.” – @Pontifex

This should be the only post I will link to, about those leaked, au natural, celebrity photos. #DoNotClickThem

How to save the movie industry.

“you are in the heart of the Church, the Church suffers with you and, is proud to have sons and daughters like you. #YesIWouldWatchABioPicOnHisLife”

“The purpose of religious life is to help members follow Christ and be united to God thru the evangelical counsels.”

A former member of the Common Core Validation Committee gives a stern warning about the effect of Common Core.

An idea whose time has come: a national conference to help parishes revive their livelihood. Tons of practicals.

Want to charge up your Christian walk? Try Total Consecration to Jesus through Mary! Online retreat starts here:

Are Churches Trending Back Toward One Worship Style? #WorshipMusic

Tom Jackson shares a powerful anecdote about the early days of Prince.

I don’t normally post stuff like this, but I found these pictures way cool. 30+ Kitchen Organization Tips

“Christian identity comes from Holy Spirit, not ‘theology degrees'” – @Pontifex

Interesting synopsis, demonstrating how #Ghostbusters can be perceived as libertarian, through 30 quotes.

I only saw two movies this summer: Boyhood and Ghostbusters. Both brought me back to when I was a teenager.

“when the door closed, my guardian angel suddenly materialized in a blaze of divine splendor that outshone the sun.”

A newsreporter asks a person if he’s racist. Gets far more than she bargained for.

Have 27 minutes to kill? Experience the history of rock n’ roll from the 50s to 1989.

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  • Nick Alexander wants your next event to be awesome!