[Read This!] US bishops: Next synod must address disillusioned, indifferent youth Nick Alexander

[Read This!] US bishops: Next synod must address disillusioned, indifferent youth

US bishops: Next synod must address disillusioned, indifferent youth

Original Post
The Church is finally addressing the long-ignored twenty-somethings, those who feel most alone in their parishes, too old for youth group, too young for everybody else. During these years are when many life-decisions are made, for better or worse. It is during this time efforts need to be made to speak to their concerns, for their grievances could be addressed, for direction to be given.

There has been so much effort over the last two decades to reach high school youth, only to have them leave later on. It’s disheartening. Certainly the enticements of the world (i.e. sex outside of marriage) have a role in this, but more importantly, there is a lack of any way to plug such individuals in to the life of the Church, to allow them the freedom to be challenged with the wisdom of the Saints. Not only that, there is a decided lack of technological prowess from the very top, which is generational.

Pray for the success of this synod, and that approaches can be instilled to have it better than in the past. And that authentic revival can happen. #StopEverythingAndRead
[Originally Shared through June 15, 2017 at 05:47AM]

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