Are These The Ten Best Lent Hymns? Nick Alexander

Are These The Ten Best Lent Hymns?


For most worship leaders, Lent is a time of struggle.  Not only is it a time to reflect upon penance and personal holiness, and prepare ourselves for Good Friday, but it turns out that most worship leaders are ignorant of the vast riches we have on Lenten Hymnody.  Simcha Fisher talks of such in her insightful article “Beyond Ashes.”

One thing I know, is that if you have the right music for the Lenten season, then the experience of Lent becomes that much more profound and meaningful for the congregant. Words and music hold great meaning when married to the seasons on the liturgical calendar, which to me is a great great gift.

Anticipating such, I sought out a remedy.

A month ago I had asked my circles what their favorite Lenten hymns were.  I did this for the sole purpose of crafting a resource that can best introduce parishes and worship groups these songs, which, admittedly, have been forgotten nowadays.  In fact, a number of people have complained to me that they were not familiar with any of the songs on the list, which is a shame, since not too long ago, these songs were all standards.

Others complained over the lack of certain songs, such as “Were You There” and “O Sacred Head Surrounded.”  Thing is, these songs dealt specifically with the events of Passion Week, and they will be on the “Holy Week” survey.  More on that later.

But some were able to pull through and point me to songs that were well worth discovery.

So now, without further ado, [drum-roll please] here are the Top Ten Lenten Worship Songs:

1. Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days
2. I Heard The Voice Of Jesus Say
3. Adoremus Te, Christe
4. There’s A Wideness in God’s Mercy
5. The Glory of These Forty Days
6. Forty Days and Forty Nights
7. Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing
8. Attende Domine (tie)
9. Rock of Ages (tie)
10. Take Up Thy Cross (tie)

That said, every song that had been voted upon I took the opportunity to learn for myself.  And from this list I was able to craft a live, raw, worship recording that can be listened to for free.


Of this top list, top song “Lord Who Throughout These Forty Days” was sung alongside “There’s A Wideness in God’s Mercy” and Latin chant “Attende Domine.”  Other songs that made the recording were marked with an asterisk.

Shortly after recording this list, I was able to craft a songbook resource for anybody who wishes  to grow in their knowledge of these songs, and perhaps even introduce them in their own circles.  Never before has it been so painless to broaden your Lenten worship vocabulary.

As for that other survey, once that is completed, I will then do the same thing, asking for responses of favorite Holy Week worship songs. This survey is going on right now, and you can be a part of it.

After which, I would be crafting a Holy Week worship recording as well as a songbook. Free.

And soon after that, Easter.

So it is my hope that these resources be a continual spring of help for all those looking for ways to add to their worship collections, regardless as to what your audience entails.

Any Lenten songs and hymns you wish were included on this list?  Be sure to mention them below!

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